Friday, July 25, 2014

28 Days...

28 days until departure-

I am dreading the flights to South America----- Anchorage to L.A. to Lima, Peru a total of 14 hours of flying..hmm, that's at least 5 movies. I better start loading up on videos and books, unfortunately my Kindle died so a new purchase is in order. 

Planning a trip like this has been interesting, especially solo. Vaccinations, travel insurance, personal finances, Passport... I should be set for a few years on a few of these requirements ...I can see plotting for next adventure coming! New Zealand? ride thru all countries in South America? Spain? Africa? . Its a personal feeling of accomplishment and wish I was sharing with someone special but someday that too may happen... I still believe in fairy tales.

Picked up my Bolivia visa on Tuesday...I am good for 5 years !! I wonder if they have radiation therapy ?! I better brush up on my Spanish!

Did you know there is a Rosetta Stone App for your phone?  I am working on my Spanish :)

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Pre Trip Preparation

So here I am after many friends have requested for me to write a blog about my upcoming trip to South America.... "Looks simple" ?!  Little does anyone know, I struggled in my English classes but I do have the gift of gab... no comments here please!   So consider this my trial run...

Winters in Alaska can be long and dreary and gives many hours for the mind to wonder ... my gypsy friends and I  take advantage of the time to plot out future travel excursions to some exotic places. I look forward in planning trips that allow me to see and do some of my favorite things all at once....such as beaches, swimming, motorcycling, eating weird foods and meeting people from all over the world... it soothes my anthropology/ gypsy wonderings/ curiosities about our world. Feelings I have always struggled with since childhood. As a child I always told people around me that I was misplaced in Florida by the Stork because I never felt like it was truly my home...

GS riding has allowed me to meet some very cool people over the past years that also have similar feelings - Yes family, I am part of the LOST generation and I find it soothing to know that I am not alone....

I have yearned for years to see Machu Picchu and had decided after my brother's death that I needed to see the places around the world that fascinated me. So I booked this incredible adventure to South America that will start in Lima Peru. Machu Picchu is one of the worlds' most beautiful places with such an incredible history of an ancient Inca civilization that lived between 1450 - 1572.  I booked my tour with Compass Expeditions highlighting key places in Peru for three weeks and finishing up in Bolivia. I will be traveling there alone from Anchorage, however there will be 10 max. in the group from all over the world! I cant wait to hear - from Where??!!

to be continued....